Venezuela – Bachelor programs in IT

We found 18 universities offering 18 Bachelor programs.

Study the Bachelor programs in IT in Venezuela

  • 18


  • 18


  • 3–4

    Years of study

  • ~ $671

    Tuition fees

What is a Bachelor's degree in IT?

Information Technology (or IT) covers tools, methods as well as processes for storing, analyzing and interpreting electronic data. A Bachelor's degree in IT offers basic knowledge and skills in programming and system analysis, including mathematics as well as project design, etc.

What are the study tasks of a graduate student in IT?

A graduate student study duties depended on their chosen IT specialization. IT professionals may design software or create websites, as well as test new programs and games, they provide technical expertise that includes developing network systems along with analyzing the quality of software.

Venezuela – Bachelor programs in IT statistics provides information about 18 Bachelor programs in IT at 18 universities in Venezuela. Furthermore, you can choose one of 18 Bachelor programs in IT at 18 universities, 18 Master programs in IT at 18 universities, and 6 PhD programs in IT at 6 universities.

The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in IT in Venezuela

Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Venezuela.

Venezuela – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $63


  • ~ $142


  • ~ $156


  • ~ $32


Venezuela – Where to study?

The most popular student cities in Venezuela.

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100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular Bachelor programs in IT in Venezuela

University Institute of Technology of Industrial Administration

Venezuela, Caracas

Bachelor • 1

Fully train university technicians with quality and excellence to contribute actively and with a high ethical sense to economic and social development at the local, national and re...

Admissions open
~ $440 / year

University Institute of Management and Technology

Venezuela, Caracas

Bachelor • 1

UMT is an online, accredited university that provides management and technology education to the public and promotes academic excellence in higher education. Welcome to our communi...

Admissions open
~ $644 / year

University Institute of Agro-Industrial Technology

Venezuela, San Cristobal

Bachelor • 1

The University Institute of Agroindustrial Technology (IUTAI), popularly known as IUT, is an institution originally dedicated to the formation of TSU (Higher University Technicians...

Admissions open
~ $610 / year

University Francisco de Miranda

Venezuela, Caracas

Bachelor • 1

The University College Francisco de Miranda (CUFM) is a Venezuelan institution attached to the Ministry of Popular Power for University Education, is located administratively in th...

Admissions open
~ $1,300 / year

University Nueva Esparta

Venezuela, Caracas

Bachelor • 1

Universidad Nueva Esparta is a private university in Caracas. It was founded in 1954 by Juan Bautista Marcano Marcano.

Admissions open
~ $1,200 / year

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